How can it be true already? She's a kindergartner! Officially! She's off on the journey. And what a great first step. She got to have both mom and dad bring her in on her first day wearing the dress she picked out in July. All the parents were milling around, the kids found cubbies and name tags,

putting away school supplies

and finding an activity to play

We watched them have first meeting on the rug...rules rules rules! I had a constant stream running through my mind..."Thank you god for delivering me from this...thank you god for delivering me from this..." Fifth grade is HEAVEN!!

When they went back to tables, dad and I snuck out. She was weepy and a little hysterical laughter crept in, but she bucked up and took it like a champ! I am so proud of my girl!

Where did
this chick go?

I know everyone is probably sick to death of me obessing about this, but I am so betwittered about what a big step this is. I think having taught five kindergarten classes made me a little shlubby to the whole idea. Those kids are so much more ready for the world than my girl. Which is 100% untrue. To her teacher, Trueby is just another one of those school kids. And probably more ready than most. She's been doing this for a while, and the CDC ~ may they receive all the good karma they have coming to them ~ have done a fantastic job preparing her for it. But I feel like it was only a few months ago I was trapped on the couch all day because she fell asleep nursing and would wake up when I moved. It is a crystal clear memory of how blissful I was when she started falling asleep in the swing, for hours! I could move around the house after what seemed like eternity of motionlessness! First steps, first words, first so many things! And now, first day on the road that will be the most important factor in her life for the next 13 years at least. It will dictate what our family does, where and when we go, what we eat, what we think, who we know...It's amazing. I'm just hoping we've given her all the tools she's going to need to deal with all the stuff that's coming at her. I want her to remember how smart, funny, kind, generous, caring, beautiful, unique, and spectacular in every way she is. I want her to be learning how to move mountains, not learn that mountains block her path. I want her to discover how many differences there are in the world, not that everyone is different from her. I want her to become Superwoman, not find out she's just a girl. So that's what I'm working on. What did you do today?