Ugh, I KNEW this would happen! I KNEW I should take something, but figured I was exhausted and would easily sleep until the ridiculous 4 am wake-up time I needed to be able to get to school and finish up all the crap work I didn't get done before the all too soon deadline approached like a freight train coming through a tunnel I KNEW I shouldn't go into but so stupidly did anyway! Aaagh! So of course, with a prompt and responsible bedtime of 9 pm, my eyes popped open at 12:07 am on the first day of school. DAMMIT! But here's the thing. Of course I lay there for a good hour telling myself that if I just lay still enough, with my eyes closed enough, with my mind quiet enough, I would fall back to sleep until the blissful buzz of the alarm that will never stay on a radio station or not do the annoying BEEP BEEP BEEP no matter what the alarm setting. Of course my mind was zinging along at a million miles an hour. Was I wondering what my new class would be like? Was I worried that I had overlooked something I wouldn't have time to fix? Was I panicking that I would never be able to fall asleep again? NO! I was fixated on Sarah Palin!
I cannot get this chick out of my mind! With the latest story about her high-school daughter being pregnant, all the experience questions, the polarizing right-wingerness, the fact that he met her ONCE before, all this stuff.....WHY HAS HE CHOSEN THIS CHICK? I don't care that he did, I just don't get it! What can she possibly have to offer that cancels out all the other? Check out this article in the Huffington Post...dude, if you like Air America radio, you'll LOVE this paper! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-loeb/did-karl-rove-pick-sarah_b_122870.html I am at a complete loss to see why she was chosen. If they just wanted a skirt, there are republican women out there. Was he just so desperate to pick someone he could claim as not associated with the current nasty-ass bed the republicans have made themselves to lie in? I gotta say, about a year, eighteen months ago, I wouldn't have chosen it, clearly, but if we had to have another republican president, I wouldn't have minded McCain so much. But he is now unrecognizable from that man. If he doesn't win it, I don't know how he's going to live with what he let himself become.