I think I know what I need! I'm watching the debate, and McCain is saying the same thing (I wasn't elected Miss Congeniality ((does he know how weird it sounds for an old man to keep saying that?)) and Warshington is corrupt pork barrel pork barrel pork barrel) in reply to every thing asked of him and I am not trying to hurt myself yet. Why? Obama is right there, refuting every time he lies (John, that just isn't true), keeping calm, talking through all the points. So apparently I just need Obama to walk around with me and keep speaking calmly to me. How much do you suppose that costs?
I love that he's listing the stuff McCain has been wrong about in Iraq! He's giving his plans the same way every time...First...Second...he has itemized key points for everything. McCain is just using all this hyperbole and empty jingoism. Obama keeps telling McCain he's said stuff wrong, or lied or whatnot, McCain isn't saying that to Obama at all. Does he not know it, or is Obama only making legitimate points. You decide.
Hey, I heard something funny. Apparently, in the midst of the mock debates for Palin to practice, they just stopped. It was so disastrous, that they just stopped to try and think of something else. Ouch.
Why isn't this a landslide to the left? Every time McCain is asked a direct question, he refers to some obscure ancient event back when he was a maverick and stood up to Warshington. But he NEVER answers a question! I'm watching these guys and McCain is stumbling over lines, just proving he's opening cans for his replies. Obama sounds informed, prepared, intelligent. McCain sounds like a sad old grandpa talking to the whippersnappers about his glory days. I'd be perfectly happy to listen to his stories, but not in response to a direct question!
Uh oh, he's getting steamed! I'm hoping he swings at Obama or calls him uppity...FIGHT FIGHT! heh heh. Dang, Lehrer just reined him in.
Second Holocaust? Where did that come from? Yikes, he's working up to invading Iran.
Ok, I don't get this one. Maybe it's my elementary school training. Why is it such a big deal that Obama said he'll talk to foreign leaders? Isn't diplomacy the best bet for anything? OH! Obama just pointed out that McCain's own advisors agree with Obama! I was hoping that would come up! Hee hee, that's gotta hurt.
I'm trying to stay mature about this, but I am totally hating how McCain keeps making that smirky "whatever" face. That seems so childish.
Hoo Hoo! He just hit the Spain guy!
Oh yikes, McCain is even starting to make Bush facial expressions. That's creepy!
CNN has an audience approval thingy going as a crawl, with a blue line for dem approval, and red for republican. Interestingly, while rarely, it is ONLY purple when Obama talks. McCain, the Uniter, not the Divider, is not getting both but Obama is. hmmmm.
Great fuck! He will not talk about anything that didn't happen decades ago! AArrgh
Nope, calm calm. Obama is trying to talk to him, but he just talks right over it. I hate that.
Obama is the coolest. Literally. He won't get ruffled. I really admire that. I know, I like to swing into full blown anything mode at the drop of a hat, but that's just for fun. As a leader, Obama has exactly what it takes. I bet he lets loose in fun though. Basketball, with friends, that kind of stuff. I can totally see him just busting up laughing at something. hyuk hyuk
Oh wowza, he almost did it, but no...the POW card is out. Last comment of the night. Nice.
Oh, I love how the Obamas will touch each other in public. He obviously values her as an equal. That would be a great thing to see in the White House. He greeted her with "Hey. How'd we do?" Sweet.
Ok, let the spin begin!