I know, I know...that's being a parent. And that's the catch, see? She is growing with phenomenal speed. I am trying to parent with equal speed and simply cannot do it. I'm not talking about taking time out and savoring the present and being in the moment or anything like that. I'm talking about making the right choices at the right time, rather than in retrospect, which is my typical m.o. You can never tell what is going to send the whole train off the tracks.
Why am I on this rant? Are you watching the republican convention? Those are not a bunch of people I would choose to hang out with. Nearly every single speaker has mentioned (some in intimate detail) McCain being shot down and refusing to go home when it was offered. As though being a POW is a blank check to always being right for the rest of your life. Oh my good god, Giuliani just mocked Obama for working as a community organizer...he laughed as he said it! And the crowd ate it up! Do they seriously believe it is laughable to try and help communities in need? Are these white trash monkeys that stupid!?
I digress. Watch the convention. Look at these people. They are like placid cattle, cheering when the speaker pauses after a clear applause point. The only time they start getting all up in it is when the speakers rip on Obama. Negativity winds them all the hell up. They are rabid! Why are these people like this? What did their parents (or their parents, or their parents, or however far back it went) do that caused them to be like this? Did they do it on purpose, or later look at them as adults and go, "What the hell did we do to cause this?" Oh holy christ...they are chanting, I am not making this up, "Drill, baby, drill."
Yep, now they're on 9/11. Why are these people so easily led around by the nose? How can they be going for this pap? Some of it outright lies. And the two republican advisers that got caught on hot mics badmouthing the Palin choice. Sweet monkeys, they just boo-ed when Giuliani mocked Obama for suggesting the UN help out with the Georgia thing. They are yapping, "USA! USA!" I can't take it. We're rounding up all their parents and slapping them one by one.
OH! He actually did it!!! "How dare they question whether Sarah Palin has the time to raise 5 children and be vice president? They would never ask a man that question!" He SAID it! Bring in the clowns...the circus has left any semblance of reality behind.
Yikes,shit a brick I gotta stop. Palin is starting to speak and god forbid I get blood all over the computer when I rip my eyes out.