You did WHAT to my future?
I will admit to being completely baffled by the closeness of this race. I cannot, or will not, put it all down to racism, we cannot possibly have almost half of our country still racist, can we? So in an effort to understand, I have been listening to conservative talk radio. Now, readers at home, I must stress that I DO NOT recommend this plan to any one. ANY one. I am only just recovered from the severe eye explosion on the way to work this morning, aggravated by my screaming and driving my car into a meridian on the way home. If McCain can still ride POW status, I want some kind of credit for the torture I have endured the last few days.
You know what's the best part? Not that they are blaming Obama for the economy crisis. Not that they are applauding McCain for his nobility in suspending his campaign to rush back to DC, where he has not cast a vote since April, cancelling a gig on Letterman to "put country first," but actually spending the exact same time interviewing with Katie Couric...don't believe me? Letterman actually played the live feed on his show while taping, not to mention that incumbent presidents debate opponents while leading the freakin free world, learn to walk and chew gum you idiot!.... I've lost the thread....Oh yeah! Not that the host was actually arguing FOR the golden parachutes. Making his case that if you don't pay top dollar for CEOs, you won't attract the quality talent. "We don't criticize movie stars, or sports stars for making this kind of cash. Why would we criticize highly successful business talent?" Ummm...because they drove their companies into the ground and are asking me, and my daughter, and her daughter, to take the shaft and pay for their mistakes and if that represents the High Quality leadership you are trying to attract, you should probably try and see what you can get for minimum wage. Great leaping goats! There's a blog I love that keeps calling these people "fucktards." And while I cannot utilize it because of the "tards" suffix, it just makes me giggle like a 10 year old every time he says it. Where was I? Oh yeah! No, the best part is the ads. I am not making this up, they are carrying ads about how to get hold of prophets ~ no, I didn't say profits, I said PROPHETS, there's a pamphlet you can send away for to get information about what "you can do" to stop the spread of homosexuality in your community, every other ad is some chick talking about "my family" and "my values." It is as mind-numbingly horrifying as the phrase "President Palin."
So after all these days of masochism, and thank god I didn't go so far as to try and sit through Hannity or, don't even think it, O'Reilly...I would not be here to speak to you today, I have concluded that while I still do not by any stretch understand these people, I get it. I see why they think what they think. They have been told to, and do not have the.....you fill in the blank as you see fit.......to do otherwise. You get the government you deserve. Here's hoping the other half of us don't have to sit through your shit again.