This guy gives me hope for the country. During the election season I have become a CNN junkie, but I usually rely on Jon and NPR for my news. This is a curious mix of way too serious and silly enough that I can hear what goes on in the world without trying to cause myself bodily harm. It works, you should try it. Start with this clip calling out those hypocrite bastard beasts I just want to get in one place and force to live amongst each other.
Honestly, without a cable comedy show, nobody would be pointing this out? Why? Why!? And you can't say he's totally left, because he really let Kerry have it. That guy got hammered. Rock Obama, as my girl crows when she hears or sees him to my utter delight, seems to offer less material. But why isn't everyone else doing more than just saying, "Hmmm, the right seems oddly ready to accept all this stuff." These are exactly the things these smug, judgemental asses throw their opinions all over when it's anyone else. I just about keeled over when the bovine masses all drowned out McCain's speech by chanting USA whenever a protester made a move. Totally overriding their own guy to try and assert their superior patriotism against any low-life who would dare question the leadership anointed by Jesus' dad. And what was that interrupted point exactly? I am not making this up....the republican platform this time out is, I'm gonna paraphrase, but you would be shocked by how little, "We fucked up. We were greedy ass lickers only in it for ourselves. We won't do it this time." This is surprisingly similar to the theme of all five of McCain's books (just as a side note, "co-written" with a professional, as opposed to Obama doing his own). So his message, now in its, count them, SIXTH run is "I fucked people over, I feel really bad about it, I have learned my lesson and this time will do it right." Pardon me for not jumping right on that bandwagon. He is certainly not helping himself with stuff like this
It's so weird, why bring attention to something like this? Do they not think anyone would double check them on it? So the chick not only lost the state money, it causes one to wonder, well, me to wonder, what kind of ties does she have to the company now fortunate enough to be contracted to charter state flights for Alaska? Or is she flying Alaska Air, coach to save her tax payers money? Just curious.