Seriously? The republican campaign wants the public to believe this is what Obama said? And McCain intoning at the end..."I'm John McCain, and I approve this message." I said it before, and I'll say it again, he is going to hate himself from the inside out after this over. That is giving him credit for retaining any shred of the honor he has touted and used and sold during this campaign. Sex ed for kindergartners, for god's sake? Apparently old Johnny has an asking price, and it is embarrassingly low. On the upside, I got to see this picture. I guess there is one thing about Cheney that I can find the silver lining for. Heh heh.
Here's another thing I never thought I'd say. The toughest interview I've seen of McCain so far was on, wait for it, The View. You heard me. Why are Comedy Central and Stay-At-Home Mom Central the hardest hitting journalism on the campaign trail? Check this out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/12/mccain-grilled-on-the-vie_n_125972.html
Damn, I love me the Huffington Post. You do need to take it with a grain of salt, very very very left, but I've double checked them a lot and while they may slant a bit, they don't spin and they don't make anything up. They also have a link to a compendium of articles from other publications lately that are just starting to talk about the fact that McCain is lying like a rug. While it's astonishing that the volume of lies needed to reach this point before the main stream media began to go, "Ok, hold on there a minute," it's even more alarming to read the comments to the list of articles. "Oh, those are all liberal left papers commenting on republican ads. Of course they say it's all lies." They're talking about the New York Times and other major publications quoting actual documented facts that show McCain is a liar. Really, just how blind an eye can you turn? Jesus! I'm totally not making this up, look! http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/09/12/1382169.aspx
On a much happier note, Trueby declared she needed to visit "the salon" (she pronounces it with an umlaut) today. Her hair was much too long for good taste, apparently. I offered to cut it on the deck, as I always do, but after some consideration, decided a professional would be the best bet. It was starting out way shorter than it usually is when I attempt it, and I need a good 2-3" grace period to even up the sides, so I figured I'd let a trained hand at it. True will never let me do it again now!