Ok, I don't wanna pile on or anything....but for god's sake what the hell? I won't post it here, because honest to francis it makes me ralphy, but have you seen Palin's video where she's pardoning the turkey? Not a big deal really, but then, she steps over and gives this rambling interview while in the background, the farmer guy is slaughtering turkeys!! It's so awful...I swear as the words, "They'll probably find something to criticize me about with this, but at least it was fun," come out of her mouth, some blood spattered guy in the background has a bird with its head down some kind of funnel thing while it kicks and thrashes around. It looks like it kills it and drains the blood out. But it's a big metal funnel and it's all making a banging noise in the background and I just about puked. Granted, I have a really, ok REALLY low tolerance for that kind of thing. But google it and watch and tell me I'm wrong. How honest to fuck clueless can this chick and her handlers be?
On to more pleasant news. So whaddaya think of Hillary for Condi's job? Honestly, I feel like that chick is such a powerhouse, she can only do a good job. I know she gets kicked around a lot, and while I admire the living hell out of her, I don't know that I particularly
like her, but I think she doesn't get anywhere near the credit for sheer grit she deserves. She'll secretary the crap out of the state! Also, my faith in humanity has been somewhat restored with Stevens' losing his re-election bid for Alaska senator. I read that had he been re-elected, he would have been the first felon elected to the senate. Awesome. I'm still pissed that it was close at all, for fuck's sake! but reason won out in the end. Now for Franken! Go baby go! Although, I'm glad the democrats don't have the 60 person majority to knock out filibusters. I honestly feel Obama is making a real effort to have everyone work together, disagree without being disagreeable, and that kind of power doesn't play into that. I think if your idea is a good one, you shouldn't have to force it through anywhere.
Not speaking of this at all...Trueby said one of those weird "insight into her head" things again today. She told me there was a "lady" at school who looks "just like Sharlet," a worker from her old daycare. "But her name isn't Sharlet. It's Mrs. Little. And she knew
my name!" Knowing that Sharlet is doing her student-teaching there, I said, "Are you sure it
wasn't Sharlet?" "No. They aren't the same." Long pause. "They only are the same that they look the same." Shorter pause. "And they both know me." Short pause. "And they look the same." Me: "But you're sure they aren't the same person." Her:"Mom! I said her name is Mrs. Little!" Me: "All right! So what if you had to call me Mrs. Jones. Would I still be your mom?" Really long pause. Her, in a very small voice: "Please don't turn into Mrs. Jones." Dude! It's what I was talking about before. She is navigating in this world I don't even know exists. Her rules and realities don't even connect to mine. It's so weird. Like calling me a different name would change my personality irrevocably! Ooh, segue. Ok, if you haven't, check out "Interworld" by Neil Gaiman. Or, honestly, anything by him. He is the most amazing writer. I'm in the middle of Interworld right now, and it is sucking me in to the point I was a little late to work today because I had to read some before I got in the shower. On my Kindle I got from my lovely husband for my birthday might I add. Super gift baby! I love to read it while listening to my iPod. I feel very disconnected from everything else. All wired up. Anyway, here he is on a tour reading from his newest book, "The Graveyard Book." I just finished it a bit ago, fantastic! Kind of a spin-off of the Jungle Book with a kid raised in a cemetery by ghosts. Way cool. Follow this link and you can hear the whole book:
http://mousecircus.com/videotour.aspxHe also wrote Stardust, one of my new favorite movies. I haven't read the book yet, but bet it's awesome too! I've read a ton of his stuff since finding Stardust a bit ago, he's really incredible. Also, try Terry Pratchet's Discworld series if you haven't. I love funny brit sci-fi.
Speaking of, well, except for the sci-fi, though not entirely...I am totally obsessed with Spaced! I bought it and now get to watch all the DVD extras... woo hoo! It's killing me, I love it. Seriously, you have to try and get hold of it. And no, don't bother asking for mine. Put it in your queue. Although, fair warning, I had it in mine for a good two months before I got it. Reserve your copy today! (Read that in a totally infomercial voice.) And now, because Simon Pegg is Scotty, I have to go watch Star Trek when it comes out. I don't wanna! Well, that isn't entirely true. I didn't wanna. Then I saw a trailer and it actually looks pretty cool. Dang it.
OH YEAH!! Welcome to the world and best of luck to you darling little Craig Knutsen. Fresh and new on November 18. Big brother Adam and mom and dad are so lucky to have you in their lovely little family. I'll see if mom will let me post pictures soon. I'm getting over a cold, but when I'm germ free True and I are gonna photo the bejeebies outta that little cutie!