Let me close with this shot.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Guess what I did yesterday? I took 75 ten-year olds to downtown Seattle to sit through a two hour ballet.
Stupid? You'd think so wouldn't you. But this is such a great trip! Ok, there was a ton of help, really, a ton! Parents love this trip. But the kids adore being in the big city, and the PNB's Nutcracker is cool-looking enough to even overcome fifth-grade boys' opinions of no dialogue poncy dancing.
This is my third time going and I enjoyed it the most this time. The first was all so new and I was really nervous with all the kids. The second dragged for me, but this time it just flew. I saw things I hadn't before, and was really taken by the beauty of it.
I was beat tired too. The night before we had dinner with the girl's two best friends. This is picture is of them shopping in the living room. Get this. Is it possible for a shot to more completely capture these three? You have the one in the princess get-up, which she came downstairs in IMMEDIATELEY upon arrival to the house. Then there's the cutie with the glasses on the head, she was a little more surreal customer. Last, True. All business. When you play shopping, you shop for crying out loud. By the book!
Let me close with this shot.
Remember a little while ago I took that picture of White Horse Mountain? Which, incidentally, someone thinks is not White Horse Mountain. You'll never know! Anyway, this is the same place. The mountains are behind that huge cloud bank. As was the moon. I'm driving along, and from out behind that little arm of cloud, this gigantic round ball just hove into view. Seriously, do not drive near me. I am not safe.
Let me close with this shot.