Oh my god, kill me now. I have been reduced to documenting my cooking. And not fancy cooking. Chili my friends. A little backstory. We usually only make chili for company, because come on, a pot of it feeds 60 people for a month. However, a few years ago I was so unwise as to break either the crock or the pot, what...you don't know which it is either...of a CrockPot my mom gave me. We just got a new one, for 20 bucks, baby! a little while ago and I've been pining to CrockPot something. So, being trapped in the house for days on end, and it being a regular Jack Frost theme park outside, chili seemed a good idea. You always have the stuff, right? And if you don't, you substitute. This has led, at my house as well as your own, I'm sure, to pots of chili that make heavenly choruses sing from on high. And one time, when we still used meat, I swear I stumbled on Nalley's recipe. I kid you not, it would be impossible in a blind taste test to tell them apart. This has also led to chili disasters of course. I once tossed an entire pot it was so bad. Absolutely irretrievable. And we swore to never use whatever we had used that biffed it up so badly. Ask me what it was. I don't remember. I'll let you know when it seems like a good idea again and I toss a whole pot and think, "Oh yeah." So here's what it entailed today.

That huge steaming pot of onions, shallot and garlic is my absolute favorite part of the entire enterprise. Followed closely by True keeping herself busy by dancing with the Wii. That is some funny stuff, if you ever get a chance to see it. Also, interesting (not really) anecdote...I am physically incapable of eating cornbread. Really. It's one of my gag-reflex foods. I honestly cannot get it down. So at a friend's house once, I steeled my gullet to force down the proffered corn bread out of dread of offending, and surprise! It was like cake! No problem at all. Turns out this one brand of mix is the only, and I do mean only, kind my body won't reject. Violently. And it's great with chili! Woo hoo! So tomorrow, I think I'm going to make bread. Just kill me now.