So one of my friends asked, "What's your deal, now that your guy won you have nothing left to say?" No, no. Just busy. No time to post.
But it's a little weird. I have a ton of stuff in my head, but I don't know what I have to say. I'm not saying I'm outta stuff without the election, but it gave me a start to grease the wheels, you know? I've been too busy to get great pictures to start me off, and have had ugly things in my head with no funny to temper them. I don't know, maybe it's 4 AM and I wish I were able to sleep more.
So, out of gross, into mundane.
Follow this link and see pictures of my girl's class party on the 31st.
How about this? Yesterday was specrapular out, so we huddled with buddies and made my girl's favorite treat in the world. I kid you not, it was my 40 year old friend's first time making them! As one of her witty neighbors noted, she just spaces out the good stuff. Why blow it all at once?