Almost as exciting as the electoral circus, yesterday we packed up Trueby and met her buddy at the Dream Science Circus. What a hoot! We had a great time. The angle was they take people from the audience, hook them up to the Dream Machine, and their dreams are projected onto the stage. It was great. There were jugglers, acrobats, dancers, funny stuff, wow stuff, little bit risque stuff. The capper was Trueby's buddy getting up on stage and hamming it up to the hilt. Including a bow at the end for her exit! It was priceless. I'm definitely going again next year! Though I don't know if True is so gung ho. She said, "If they put that hat on my head, it would not be good." She wasn't cool with having her dreams sucked out and displayed in the daylight. She is convinced it would be bad news for her dreams to be "out." Yeah, I know.