Captains Log. Stardate 12.19.08. We have been trapped in the house for three straight days now. Supplies are running low and tempers are short. Entertainment is hitting an all-time low as video is taken of various crew members doing ridiculous things that are funny at first, but upon watching, are simply sad. However, Lt. True has impressed the captain with her literary skills. Her class is given little readers to take home and read at their own pace, exchanging the books when they are competent with reading them. Ok, they memorize them. But the first time or two is genuine reading. Lt. True is on book 6 after just two weeks and is quite honestly blazing through the suckers. Perhaps because they are mind-numbingly boring and she just wants to get it over with. Her reasons are her own. Here is documentation.
Cool, huh? Especially the poor posture and belly exposure. Not to mention bad lighting and grainy video. Really gives it a "reality" look, yeah?

So yesterday I made a break for it. We were running out of food and I was actually going nuts, so I made the hike down the hill to the mailboxes and the little store. It's a little over 5 miles round trip and I can't tell you the carnage I witnessed! There were more cars off the road than I've ever seen. I think people were having my same problem and just HAD to get out. Not good. The bad part was there was hardly ever just one car in the ditch. It almost always had two or three plowed into it. The corners are just hellish. Today, all the hills are closed. ALL of them! Look at the pile-up on our table on the deck. There is so much snow out here! I think I can see Russia from my house! I tried desperately, and ineffectively, to get shots of the sky for you, public. Couldn't do it. My eye far outreaches my photography talent. It was this gorgeous seashell rainbow, with down at the horizon the heavy gray of snowstorm clouds, then a layer of pastel pink sunset tinged cloud, and at the very top, a baby blue sky, pretending for all the world it was a spring morning and it had no idea what was going on below. When I came up the last hill, there was an amber pink pool of light on the snow from the sky. I couldn't even come close to capturing it, though I did manage a little better snow shots by wiggling with my exposure. I'm learning to take pictures by trial and error. There is probably a system for everything I do that takes a third the time and 1/1000 the tries to get the shot I try to get. Most of my pretty ones are total accidents! Dude, that hike back up sucked rocks. It was so slick, every other step my boot would slide backward so you couldn't push off with your feet, it was this weird flat-footed climb that took forever and I almost stroked out. Bleah!
If any of you are out there still dithering if climate change is a myth or not...bite me!