So the big news this weekend was supposed to be the trip to the pumpkin patch with the two best buds. But deep in the
corn maze,
Trueby wrestled free an ear of corn and sealed the fate of her first lost tooth! Check that gap! It's a terrible/great story. She was trying some raw corn and got dirt in her mouth. She kept trying to pull it out with her fingers and was gagging herself. Literally, to the point of "throw-upping." I was laughing so hard as she was puking all over
Everson and just kept jamming her fingers in her throat. Then she grabbed something out of her mouth and tossed it on the ground. I go, "Dude! That was your tooth!" I had to search all over the cornstalks and found the filthy, bloody,
pukey bone shard and actually picked it up. That is how you know you're mom, in case you ever find yourself wondering. She was thrilled at first, then one of her buddies
shrieked, "There's blood!" and True
lost it. "I don't like it! I don't like it!" She kept making this totally horrified face every time her tongue found the hole. She was crying and couldn't talk, all this in the middle of the corn maze, mind you. I asked, "Does it hurt?" and she sobs, "I-I'm r-r-really freaked out!" Man, this chick does not handle change! We got her rinsed and spat, wound our way out of the maze, paid for our gourd and on the way back from putting it in the car, she
finally says, "I feel better now." I asked if she wanted to tell her friends what is was like to lose a tooth and she says, "I think they know." Like, "Duh, I made it pretty obvious I didn't care for it." Last night we had to write a note to the tooth fairy to please not take the tooth, True wants to keep it. She was clearly not comfortable with the idea of some stranger buzzing around stealing body parts while she slept. She was totally clingy and kept asking things like, "What if she takes my music box instead?" and the like. So this morning she woke to two shiny quarters (yeah, we'll see how long that lasts as an appeasement) and declared, "The tooth fairy is nice!" Yep. She's convinced one coin was for her tooth, and the other was because her writing was so good. This is the note she left.

But the rest of the trip was just as good, though I'm totally bummed. I got some gorgeous pictures, you can't appreciate them unless you live here on a sunny fall day and just get dropped by how beautiful the outside is. But I had my white balance set for the pernicious fluorescents in my classroom and now all my pictures have a blue tinge. Dang it!
It was a great day though. This is the top down view of the squealy group hug of three best friends who haven't seen each other for a while:

They took some time with all the attractions first; photo ops, the jesus train, bouncy house, tormenting animals,

Then we got down to the serious business of picking a pumpkin.

Tell me these chicks don't look like the opening act of the Scottish Play. Toil and trouble indeed.

After the patch shenanigans, we went on to apple picking (some legal, some not) and corn maze drama

then had lunch and called it a day. Whew! Thank heaven we have a whole year to gear up for going again.