How can that even be possible? How can that even have happened? Do you remember in high school chemistry when the teacher titillated everyone with the anecdote about the frogs that boil to death because the water temperature rises so incrementally that they acclimate and don't realize there's a problem until they've been cooked? Well here we are. How is it possible that the government not only decided to spend $700,000,000,000.00 to buy up these people's crap (and voters are saying Obama's health care plan stinks of socialism? Christ!) and within a week they do this?! I'm not at all shocked the fuckwads did it, I absolutely cannot believe they did it so soon! HOW can we live in a world where this happens? In this world Sarah *wink* Palin is running for vice president of the country. HOW?! The current president has blatantly and repeatedly broken the law without consequence. HOW?! A political strong-arm has blunted the message of scientists the world over that we are destroying ourselves. HOW?! Let's not even talk about the insinuation of christianity into our political system, genocide in this day and age, the fact that people are dying for want of clean water...the list goes on and on. How is this world possible? What are we doing to ourselves? I listened to a clip from a right-wing radio show this morning where the host was making his point that the homeless should not be allowed to vote. As I was internally agape at this viewpoint, he followed it up with, "I'm gonna catch a lot of heat from this I'm sure, but frankly, I don't think women should vote either." The fact that this brain-dead moron holds this opinion is one thing, the fact that he can voice it on the air is beyond belief. Where are all the boundaries? Where have they gone? Where is common sense, and common decency? And that ass lick was voting for McCain Palin! What does it say about this woman that a man who doesn't believe women are rational enough to vote responsibly is willing to elect her vice-president? He quite clearly expects her to look pretty and serve coffee while the men talk. Is there really a contingent of those people out there? Another guy said, "This little bitch (Obama) needs to learn to stand up for himself. If he can't even stand up to our smokin' hot vice-president, how is he going to stand up to the Taliban?" Again, put aside the opinion that the ass monkey is clearly quite comfortable voicing on air, and consider how he views Palin. How are we letting this happen? I know how to fix it though.