Yeah yeah yeah. It's been a while. I've been busy! Or tired. Or just not typing. Whatever. I take issue with those of you who complain they have worried I've dropped from the face of the earth because I haven't blogged for a while. Seriously, you know I will maintain the pull of gravity until at least after the inauguration. You're excited, too. Admit it! It's gonna be great! I was talking to a friend today though, you know who you are, and wondering aloud about who will be president in eight years? Is this an anomaly, or will people forever be excited by the political system? Will the expectation now be to have a young, in-touch, idealist in power? Will we we now want our president to double as rock star? Or will we be content to go back to the rich, old, white guys who've done it the same way, almost without exception, since we started it off? And if not, who is out there to take up the mantle? I know Obama wasn't even a blip eight years ago, but who's gonna scream onto the scene next?
Then, we tried to run in Trader Joe's after but couldn't get anywhere near it! For crying out loud, I don't need to park right by the door, but the same zip code would be nice. So as we circled around, we saw daddy drive by and whizzed out behind him and True called his cell and gave really, no REALLY cryptic clues til he figured out we were behind him. So anyway, it's about 4:27 and on the way home from the grocery store I get this "bum bum bum" feeling, which, in the past, I have learned to pay attention to when I notice it. So as we go past the turnoff, I swing a crazy hook to make the corner and we drive past the gymnastics place, where, we don't have gymnastics because of the holiday. Just to reinforce what I already know. And yeah, there was class. True is ecstatic, I'm thinking in my head "Holy Christ. I will NEVER make it home and back in time." But she doesn't have clothes, I have milk in the car...we're going for it!! Speaking of screaming...we had a lovely playdate today. It has been gloriously sunny and cantankerously cold the last few days. A friend is in the doldrums a bit so we met at Subway for lunch then went to dose up on some vitamin D. Trueby loves this chick, they quarrel like sisters and giggle like monkeys. 

All right...go to bed and dream of a better tomorrow. Literally! Happy Inauguration everybody!