Oh dear. We've lost Puck. True and I came home to a visibly upset Daddy tonight and he told us he found Puck curled up under the deck stairs as though asleep as she had been so often. True cried, "I don't want her to be dead!" and immediately burst into tears. She was heartbroken and so was her poor dad. True can't understand how very old that kitty was. She was somewhere between 15 and 18 years old, and had lived outside for most of that. She was KINDA inside-y before Cosmo took over our joint. It was so funny that about a year after we lost him, she just reappeared out of nowhere. Then she got really scarce again when Trueby got to the grabby stage of toddlerhood. This last winter has been so very cold she's become an honest to goodness inside cat. We couldn't get her out! True fell in love like crazy. We were constantly reminding her, "Be nice to the cat!" All of her attention was so lovey and Puck was just not used to being coddled! I'm so glad she had it cush for her last few months. I'm glad True and daddy can know they made her so loved and comfortable at the end. She was a good friend to both of them and they will miss her terribly.
The pictures here are all from True's camera. Puck was hands down her favorite photo subject.