Yesterday was our first day of gymnastics! I picked up the Trueby-do from daycare and told her we had a surprise. When I told her what it was, she goes, "No! I don't wanna go to gy-nastics!" What? Why? "You'll leave me there and I won't know anybody!" Dude, no I won't. I'll stay with you and watch. "Every time?" Yes babe. Don't worry. "Well, I'll watch other people, but I don't know if I'll join in." Poor sweet. So we get there and get her changed and it's totally loud and crazy with all these millions of kids who all know what they are doing, backspringing and rope climbing and vaulting stuff. True goes, "I don't know how to do those things!" I explained they all had been practicing a lot, she was brand new, etc. So this lady comes over, "Ready?" and leads the girl over to her group, no ifs ands or buts. True stepped two steps onto the springy floor and never looked back. She was enthralled! I was so proud of her, all the other girls, about 4, had been at the fall session and knew what they were doing, but she kept right at it, never gave up trying, even when she had to haul herself onto a high beam at chest level four times in a row. She couldn't get up, but fought it and fought it each time. It was magnificent! When I picked her up today she said, "Why can't I go to gy-nastics today?" I'm really thrilled with my girl! She is NOT good with change, but what a trooper!