She finally let me take a picture! Kinda had to trick her a little bit though. So, Sunday night there was a giant commotion of screaming and crashing and burning rubber...well, not that last, but still. The Trube laid herself out on her bike, face first and skidding on asphalt, and good lord what a mess! Her buddy had been riding behind her and went down in the wreckage but only hit palms and knees. My girl came in so bloody is was like a horror movie. Her lips are all cut up inside, front tooth knocked loose, elbow and knee are literally oozing through the super giant band aids we had to go buy to cover the massive skin grafts. It was so awful! She's still gimping and stiff but recovering. I've been DYING to take pictures but she wasn't having it. She's totally embarrassed that her face looked like ground beef. This is bugging her a lot because today she went to daycamp and she said everyone is going to ask what happened and she'll be embarrassed by all the attention and feel bad. So I suggested we make a T-shirt she can wear to explain it, and that way no one will need to ask. She loved the idea and I got to take a picture of the shirt without her cursing my camera! Win win!