Friday, August 27, 2010

You Know That Bear in the Woods?

My lovely and delicate daughter had a friend over this week. They played and frolicked in the sylvan wilderness behind the house for the entire morning. Industriously they built a fort from fallen branches and lined the ground with fern fronds. They came inside and grabbed something and dashed right back outside. "She's been outside in the woods for the entire morning! I love it!" The thought was no more than 30 seconds old when she and her buddy plowed back into the house, Trueby clutching a garden trowel. "Mom! Mom! Guess what! We pooped in the woods and buried it! We're NATURE GIRLS!"
Oh my good lord...WHAT?! They came in the house for TP and then went back outside so they could dump in the greenspace!! If anyone says anything, I'm blaming the neighbor's dog! A little knowledge is a really dangerous thing.