Thursday, November 26, 2009

10 Things in Random Order

1. Clearly, my family. I really hope they know.
2. Individually, Emma True. Not only that she is brilliant, funny, kind, beautiful, perfect (she'll grow out of that whiny thing, right?) etc, but also that I haven't screwed her up... yet.
3. Gordon. You could not pick a more perfect family man out of a catalog. The best.
4. My friends. OK, I know it sounds trite now, but really!
5. My job. Even with the occasional blind-side, I really really like what I do.
6. Funny. It's what I love about my kid, my husband, my job and pretty much everything else.
7. My camera. It's fun, it helps me remember the important stuff and has changed the way I look out at stuff.
8. Everyone is happy and healthy. This is pretty cliche, but I really mean it.
9. This break, and that there's another one soon. I know, I know! But wowza, it is time to recharge!
10. All y'all. Have a great holiday and remember everything good in your lives!