I'm watching a movie and thinking about stuff, obviously, and this occurs me. You know how the discovery of fire has been heralded as this huge move forward in human evolution? It was the first step in lifting us toward this greater state, we started to become the chosen ones yadda yadda yadda. So, in my mind, it went like this: A few different people were able to keep their sticks on fire and everyone was good. But then someone figured out how to start a fire. This person ran hooting and hollering about how awesome she is all the way to her family and started up immediate "fire-starting" classes. Everyone learned it, rainbows burst across the heavenly firmament and humanity was that much far further along.
But what if that's not how it went? What if that first person hid themselves away in a cave somewhere and started charging others for little burning sticks to take home. What if he tried to set himself up as a deity and build a power base for himself and rip off all his fellow budding humans until some other skeez snuck in and spied on him and stole the secret. Then you have competing fire shops, but you're still paying for your dinner roaster. These two cave dwellers hate each other and who knows what kind of bloody battles ensued. What kind of war resulted, how much blood and hate until finally everyone knew how to make fire?
Ok, a little dramatic I know. I'm just feeling really frustrated at what I can't figure out if it's human nature or some human's nature. I may be an idiot,but I've always felt like if reasonable people have a common goal, they can sit down together and freakin work it out. Everyone will HAVE to give a little. It's what I teach my kid, my students, children the world over have this pounded into them. Then adults? We can't seem to get it together.