So then there's all this noise on the left that he should just take his majority and run. Just tell 'em how it's gonna be, boss. They're spouting idiocy, there is no point in trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone using the words "death panel." Come on! I gotta say, I definitely see the attraction there.
But here's the thing...and this just came to me about 3 am while checking out that very viewpoint at Salon.com...I think he really means it. I really think he does. I think he wants bi-partisanship during his watch. Not because it will look good 20 years down the road, but because it really is what is good for our country. I think he feels he can break through to the human beings behind the party facades and those people will eventually go, "You know, it doesn't actually hurt me to do what is good for the people I have been charged with protecting." I believe Obama really thinks it will, in the long (very long) run, be the best thing he could have done for his country. And that may be true. I don't even think I can imagine a congress where issues are debated on merit, and not on what is directly oppositional to your perceived opponent. Utopian I know. But why? Why does that idea sound silly and naive? Shame on all of us that it does. And it makes me really proud of Obama. Health care is needed to heal our sick, but an end to this endless, mindless screaming is needed to heal our country. Which we can then rename Obamatopia.