Today was all about the deuce. We spent our second day at SeaWorld, there were twice as many people there, and we spent the day following around two five-year olds! That’s right, two. One of True’s very best friends from school (How cute is this? They address each other as Boonini. It’s freaking hilarious) is also in San Diego vacationing this week. His dad works in my district too and this puts him in the suck of mismatched breaks as well.
We went back for our second day and were amazed by the number of people there. So many more than had been on the weekend. Not undoable, but a lot! We got there just as the dolphin show was starting and ran up to the stadium to take a gander. We got good seats, even coming in late. The dolphins were amazing, as you’d expect, but I was completely blown away by how high those things can jump! It was freaking incredible!
Look how tiny the lady is in the picture.
With a little while before meeting Boonini, we went on the simulated helicopter ride again, which True liked a lot better this time, knowing what was coming. The animals weren’t as great this time though. The polar bear wasn’t out and there were people in the tank with the belugas feeding them so they just hung out over there. Still cool, but not as great as the first day.
Are you noticing the fantastic sun? With so many rays, we decided it had to be done. We were taking Trueby on the Atlantis ride.
It’s a giant roller coaster with a couple steep curves, a 60 foot drop and a bunch of splash zones. Predictably, she was terrified, but took it like a trooper. I’m so awfully proud of her. The picture isn’t us, it’s her friend’s family later in the day.
Speaking of, we met up with them next.
True was absolutely hopping with excitement. They dinked around a bit and played in the climbing area, on a giant tramp, and had a great time. Her class is doing a unit on penguins right now, so we took them through the penguin house and got some pictures to email to the suckers toiling away in school. She was excited to show him the pet show, which was definitely worth seeing again, so we went there next and it was too adorable to watch those two watch the animals. Loved it.
They went to scope some stuff while we went to lunch after, much better, and cheaper! today with wraps at a little corner tucked away. Afterward, we wanted to use our free ticket for the cable ride, but it was closed again. We took the alternative ride on the SkyTower and it was totally worth it. Just a giant rotating chamber that climbs an enormous pole and rotates to give a fantastic 360 view of the park and city. Really neat. Check how many people are watching the dolphins. Dang!
We met back up with Boonini and scoped the otters, then went on the shipwreck raft ride. Again with the wet! Look how excited these two are at the end of it.
Granted, they’re soaked and it’s about 4:30 now. The next stop was a touch tank with manta rays. I’ve never seen them come up to the side and stick their heads out. It was bizarre!
One came up, peeked around, then flapped a tsunami of water all down my side! I had just dried out from the raft ride! True and her dad thought it was hilarious. While they were still kinda wet, we watched her friends go down the roller coaster and then played a couple midway games. Both Booninis came away with a really cute, soft stuffed polar bear. Nice.
That about did us in. We were there forever!
It was dad’s turn to pick dinner, and of course he wanted Mexican. But we drove all over creation and couldn’t find one we could park within a zip code of. So we ended up at El Torito, a chain. Though I did get this super pic of my kid with bull horns.
Such a good time. Tragic that tomorrow is our last day! Back to the vitamin D deficiency!
We went back for our second day and were amazed by the number of people there. So many more than had been on the weekend. Not undoable, but a lot! We got there just as the dolphin show was starting and ran up to the stadium to take a gander. We got good seats, even coming in late. The dolphins were amazing, as you’d expect, but I was completely blown away by how high those things can jump! It was freaking incredible!
With a little while before meeting Boonini, we went on the simulated helicopter ride again, which True liked a lot better this time, knowing what was coming. The animals weren’t as great this time though. The polar bear wasn’t out and there were people in the tank with the belugas feeding them so they just hung out over there. Still cool, but not as great as the first day.
Are you noticing the fantastic sun? With so many rays, we decided it had to be done. We were taking Trueby on the Atlantis ride.
Speaking of, we met up with them next.
They went to scope some stuff while we went to lunch after, much better, and cheaper! today with wraps at a little corner tucked away. Afterward, we wanted to use our free ticket for the cable ride, but it was closed again. We took the alternative ride on the SkyTower and it was totally worth it. Just a giant rotating chamber that climbs an enormous pole and rotates to give a fantastic 360 view of the park and city. Really neat. Check how many people are watching the dolphins. Dang!
We met back up with Boonini and scoped the otters, then went on the shipwreck raft ride. Again with the wet! Look how excited these two are at the end of it.
That about did us in. We were there forever!
It was dad’s turn to pick dinner, and of course he wanted Mexican. But we drove all over creation and couldn’t find one we could park within a zip code of. So we ended up at El Torito, a chain. Though I did get this super pic of my kid with bull horns.