Ok, have you been to SeaWorld? I have, for all my life, been violently opposed. Same thing with zoos. The whole "born free" thing. Enter the child. Like every single other thing in my life, I've had to reassess. How do I expect her to develop the appreciation for this planet, to understand the conectivity, if none of that stuff is real to her? I want her to be awed by all these things, and I don't want to drive to the freakin Arctic, so that lands us at SeaWorld. For all the stuff I have yet to be hypocritical about in the future, just shut it. Besides, the first thing we saw when we got there was a guy vacuuming a Clydesdale, so it can't be all bad, right?
The first ride was a simulated helicopter travesty to an Arctic research base. One of those strap you in and jiggle you all over in sequence with the screen. It was way cool. True was gripping our hands like table vises!
It was great, all set up like a research base and even had ice walls through one part. Nice. When we got to the underwater viewing, she was mesmerized by a beluga that was pressing up against the glass where a baby was pressing her hand to our side. It was so amazing...it just kept pressing its head up and I swear they look like they're smiling.
Then we watched a polar bear try and catch its lunch. It was hilarious, it totally dove at the window, mouth agape and slid down the glass after a fish it just missed. This part was rocking.
There was a simply ginormous walrus swimming around that we could watch above and below the water level. True was astounded by him, he was so incredibly vast. We saw the penguins too. This was so funny, we were on one of those moving sidewalk things and all just standing in the same pose, cameras up, sliding motionless past all these huge and tiny tuxedos sliding motionlessly past us. Weird. The manatees were just amazing in how large and graceful they are. For something called a sea cow, they definitely earned the name.
The shark tunnel was cool, but mostly because it made me giggle so much thinking how freaked out Jamal would be by it. These are for you, Uncle Jamal.

Everyone told us we had to catch the pet show. That it sounded sketchy, but was totally worth it, so we went. And it was totally worth it! All these rescued animals performing tricks in front of a heaving, screaming mob.
And yes, that is a cat leaping into a person's arms. Nuf said.
We had lunch, FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS!!! and watched Shamu. This was another way cool one. I can't believe the whole human-animal thing. It's incredible. Those animals are nothing short of amazing. Seriously, took my breath away.

We went on one ride, a river rapids raft dealie, got wet, good times. I found out I'm an aquarium snob. Honestly, I couldn't possibly care less about the stupid octopus or fish or anemone. For crying out loud, I was a little embarrassed with how little patience I had with that part! We couldn't go on the cable ride because of the breeze, but instead caught a 4-D Sesame Street show. That is their term, not mine, but apt. It had amazing 3-D and stuff like water spray, bubbles, sound effects etc to really pull you in. Freaked the shit out of True. She HATED it! It was too funny. Elmo's prancing around squeaking about imagination and my kid is hiding her face in her jacket trembling. Poor thing.
We were pretty beat when we left, but totally ready to go back for our second day and see all the rest, plus get in on the rides. Yay Spring Break!