As is often the case, I have to preface this with a little background. The Trube loves to watch the parts of Glee where Kurt and Blaine sing. She's fascinated with Kurt, thinks he's adorable, and totally digs on the a cappella scene. Who doesn't like singing and dancing? She was naturally curious when Blaine laid a nice sloppy one on Kurt and we had the discussion about what gay means. I told her sometimes boys love boys and sometimes girls love girls. We love people for who they are inside, not what they look like outside. She was totally down with that and we moved on.
So today she was telling me how she's got it all planned out. She's going to marry the boy she first declared her intentions with in kindergarten. I said maybe, but told her she hasn't even met most of the people she's going to know in her life. "One day, you're going to meet a boy you think is so kind, and so smart, and so funny, and so cute. Or maybe a girl." She says, "I don't want to be gay." I asked her why not, and she says, "We would have too many kids! What if I have three kids, and the girl I'm gay with has three kids...that would be six kids!" Oh crap, cogitated I. The moment is upon me. I have put it off for eight years come Tuesday. Every time we come close to the subject, and there have been some mighty close shaves, I distract her with something shiny. But I gotta bite the bullet at some point!
So I did it. I had a little trouble getting started, kinda hedged around how in all plants and animals (I know not ALL but she's in second grade!) there are male and female for a reason, but once I got it going it was ok. When I got to the actual mechanics part, she made the requisite horrified/disbelieving/appalled face and said, "I am NOT doing that." But I got it all in! She's not as well informed as her friend who got the whole skinny, down to genetics, from her health teacher mom in kindergarten, but she's not totally in the dark anymore. I asked her if she had any questions and she goes, "Do you wanna play Monopoly?" Yes, darlin. Yes I do. Now that I've deprived you of your innocence, I will crush you with the racecar.