My room is in the "tower" and there's a gorgeous European bakery I have to walk past every time I go to my room. After about seven trips past this joint, it finally occurs to me that Hey! I really should pick up dessert for when Khalil comes to get me tonight! Hooray! In case you're wondering, I got an apricot strudel, cappuccino pyramid cake, and this honey
Emma and I shopped for a little something to bring for each cousin, and while Anwar and Sophia's gifts were well received, with such good manners!, neither was as exciting as the silly straw glasses for Gabe. Watching the drink bubble around past their goggly eyes was adorable! Love it.
Super selection of Thai food (Khalil even badgered me into trying mango shrimp after he picked out all the shrimp for me) for dinner, lovely company. Even made sitting through five lectures at 90 minutes each worth while!